This event took place over the weekend of July 30th/31st 2016.
Some might say a long way for just one day and a night but I think it was worth it.
We marched into town to drum up a bit of support, shoot the pike man who had been caught asleep on guard, cut out the tongue of a dissenter and throw into the stocks the man who was falsely accusing the innocent of witchcraft. Then back to the Rugby arena for the skirmish.
Mike and I joined Vaughan’s for the evening and it was looking as if it might be a quiet evening with some wizard game in one corner and some sort of game of cheat and bluff in another. But Mike was determined and soon he and I were leading with a few songs which lead to a few more by return. Mike's repertoire of songs with dubious topics went down a treat and he continued the entertainment well after I had crashed.
This picture of one of the vignettes was taken by John B Davies