Written by John Orange John Orange

York was the August Bank Holiday major this year.

Maurice's had a reasonable turn-out with ten muskets on the first day, and nine on the second - more than half of the shot for the whole Tercio on each day.

The battles weren't bad with a good-sized flat space on the edge of the racecourse to fight in, but the first day's battle was marred by pike blocks collapsing on us several times.

The camp site in the centre of the racecourse was huge.  All tercios had more space than they needed, and tents could have been spread out much more than they were.

Evenings were a bit damp, so we took shelter in the outer portion of Chris and Maddy's tunnel tent, which got very cosy!

I didn't get very many usable pictures, I'm afraid, so quite a few people who were at the muster aren't in the pictures